Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Gonna have to be a quick one today, kiddies.

I'm working 8-2 at Job #1, then 3-9 at Job #2.
Then I get to get up at 4:30 tomorrow to go 5:30-2, etc.

I thought of another one for the "What's Wrong With Brandon" list.

5) Does not take pride in his appearance
Yet another Boy/Not a Man one. I really don't. I hate wearing any shirt I have to tuck in (mostly because I'm about thirty pounds overweight), I hate wearing a tie (related to being overweight), and I hate wearing "dress" shoes.
I don't understand why people think dressing a certain way makes me more or less capable of doing a job, especially if its an office job away from the general public (think Office Space).

I've heard the excuse "Well if you dress professionally you'll act professionally."


Are people really so shallow and so easily influenced that a change of outfit will give them a better work ethic?
I thought that took years of self-discipline and experience to cultivate.

Guess not.

Back on my end, it wasn't until very recently that I started shaving more than twice a week.
I see scenes in movies where they use fast cutting to show a guy getting dressed (he buttons his shirt *CUT* he buckles his belt *CUT* he adjusts his tie *CUT* he ties his shoes *CUT* he tells his reflection "I look good"), and where others see an attractive man with a bright future career ahead of him, all I see is a very uncomfortable adult forced to wear a monkey suit in exchange for higher pay (this feeling becomes ironic if he's done all this just for a job interview).

Supposedly it's the parents' responsibility to instill this sense of pride in one's appearance, but my parents both took time to look good every morning, and made me stand there while one or the other of them did my hair before school every day.

But even once I was old enough to take care of my appearance myself, it was just an automatic chore, done with an unconscious assurance that "They'll just get mad at me if I don't".

As opposed to the supposed ideal of a man spending an hour or so on himself, looking in the mirror, and being so gratified at what he sees that the day offers no further challenges for him.

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