Saturday, December 5, 2009


Seems like the only parents who take their kids in public fit under one of two categories:

-more focused on what they're (the parents) doing instead of what the kids are doing
-tune out kids' screaming/crying/tantrums/running into other people's way.
These annoy the crap out of everyone in the vicinity, more concerned with MY business and what I'M doing than on what the kids are getting into.

-slaps the child who is screaming or crying
-grabs/wrenches limbs
-screams at the child, not for acting up or disobeying, but for embarassing the parent
These should be fined or jailed, if only for having the AUDACITY to do this kind of thing IN PUBLIC.
Essentially, they have failed as parents because they have failed at PRIORITIZING.
Once you have kids, your dream of becoming the next Kurt Cobain is OUT THE FREAKING WINDOW.
If you have fun, you have to plan it so either your kids are having fun WITH YOU, or someone else is taking care of them FOR you.
You can't just go off and do something you want to do, because YOU are no longer the most important person in YOUR life.
Older people complain about kids going to hell in a handbasket these days.
But it's not the kids' fault.
It's the know, the OLDER PEOPLE'S KIDS...who have screwed up.
I think before our respected senior citizens get their Depends in a wad, they should consider whose fault it really is, because more than anyone else it is THEIR kids, and THEY had arguably more influence on the people their kids turned out to be than anyone.

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