Thursday, August 25, 2011

No me gusta mi clase...random rant

Okay seriously, there should be an application process, peer review, and student review before a person is allowed to teach a creative writing class.

This...lady...teaching my class is so deep in the "high literature" camp she probably can't see past her own syllabus to anything any of her students have written.

Some random notes taken during tonight's first class meeting:
-Overly sensitive to grittier content
-MAJOR ego issues!
-English teacher trying to teach creative writing
-No revisions? Are you kidding? What's the point of workshopping then?
-Required to write material FOR THIS CLASS, and no revisions allowed. EPIC BS!
-Are you trying to kill the rainforest with all this required printing? USE THE INTERNET!

Okay, so MAYBE I've been spoiled with my previous creative writing electives, but GOOD GOD this woman seems out to destroy the self-esteem and interest in writing in every single one of us!

"We don't write GENRES in this class!"
...someone needs to be reminded that REALISTIC FICTION is a genre.
I should know, I work at a library.

And if you're going to have the class do a writing exercise, don't do one yourself!
It puts out the vibe that you have to show us all up to maintain your own self-esteem.

The other vibe generated is that nothing less than the EXACT way she writes will earn an acceptable grade, even though its common knowledge among anyone who's ever taken a Literature class that short stories can be character-, setting-, OR plot-based.

Not simply the first, now and forever amen.

Trying to do ALL of the writing and ALL of the reading for this class AND my other elective WHILE working 30 hours a week es gonna be una beech.

Makes me even more bitter about Video Game Writing being cancelled, since if it hadn't I wouldn't even BE in this currently-hated class.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that, think of it as a rite of passage haha
