Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wife vs. God

I've been a husband for a grand total of 10 months, 14 days.
My wife and I have been together for about 4 years total.

In that time, God has worked amazing changes in me through her, keeping me close to her as she suffered through her mother's lung and brain cancer, and death last May at the age of 46.

I didn't know that I could achieve real selflessness until God brought us together (via the Internet, no less).

As a result, my identity is so deeply wrapped up in her, and was looong before our marriage, when I finally was able to loudly proclaim it as such.

This of course is contradictory to what most marital counseling advises.
But, then again, they seem to be more interested in preparing couples for divorce right off the bat rather than for lifelong commitment these days.

Anyway, we're both Christians, but we come from completely different backgrounds.
My parents had me in church every time the door was open.
Her parents were cops, so Sunday was a welcome rest day, especially when they'd get home around 5 AM the night before.

Basically, the problem I'm finding is that my marriage matters more to me than my relationship with God.
I find my wife to be much more forgiving of my inadequacies (we both feel the other got the short end of the stick) and eager to move on than I've ever felt with God.

Of course, this could just be due to my wife being physically present, her voice clear and unclouded by the other voices in my head, and her embrace real and comforting, not metaphorical.

I don't feel at a loss when I don't feel God's presence, but my wife's absence from home makes all activity, especially hobbies and even reading, seem pointless and boring.
Even both of us are engrossed and don't speak a word to each other for hours, merely her presence fills me with comfort and an assurance I didn't realize existed until she got a job which required her to work all day and sometimes into the wee hours.

Thusly do I sit at this moment, devoid of her presence and thus any meaning in anything I do.

Isn't that how I'm supposed to feel about God?

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