Friday, February 10, 2012

Men, Women, and God

Ours is not to reason why, our is but to do what our moms/girlfriends/wives tell us.

God calls whom He will to the roles He will, then He qualifies them to fit the roles to which He has called them.
End of story.

This happens on an INDIVIDUAL level, not a socio-economic, nor an age, nor a racial, nor a gender level.

To apply archaic sexism to life here and now is the exact same mistake the Pharisees made when trying to apply the nitpicky details of Mosaic law to Christ (aka "straining at gnats").

God has not changed since He first revealed Himself, but humanity has, and with our maturation as a species has come a more mature understanding of God.

Thus we who say "God is love" are not hampered by the tales of atrocities committed in God's name in the Old Testament, nor the sexual repression common (and in some cases government-enforced) in the first century A.D.

God is love, He qualifies whom He has called, and any attempt to enforce rules written two thousand years earlier in humanity's spiritual maturation process just gets in His way and turns people away from Him.

I do not lead our household. My wife does not lead our household.
We are walking through life at the same pace, trying every day to stay focused and keep each other focused on God.

In astronomical terms, God is the Sun, and my wife and I are Pluto and Charon, orbiting about each other as we stay in orbit around God, always making every effort to orbit closer and closer to Him.

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