Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Blah Blah

So a lot of people have been getting their panties in a wad about the elections this week, from Congress down to assistant spitoon boy.

Seems like almost everyone's got a reason to be angry, afraid, or deliriously happy.

Especially angry at anyone who would dare NOT FREAKING CARE about the election outcomes.

I've lost track of the number of politic-nicks I've had to endure beratement from, in the process of (sometimes for the tenth time) explaining to them that I USED to be all up in arms to (at first) keep those damn Democrats from winning, or (then later) keep those nazi Republicans from winning.

Fact is, neither side is really that different.
They're all overstuffed, overwealthy, power-hungry bastards constantly trying to grab more money and power for themselves and keep it out of the hands of everyone else, ESPECIALLY EACH OTHER.

The day we see a middle-class, third party candidate show up with more than a halfway decent chance of winning MIGHT be the day I show up at the polls.

But our elitist overseers would never let that happen, unless the dude (or dudette) had alreay been bought, paid for, and stored snuggly in the pockets of those already in power to use as their poster-child.

So, till then, I'll refrain from wasting time and energy taking part in a corrupt, flawed system, and enjoy a Smirnoff Ice and some teryaki beef jerky while watching cartoons at home on "ELECTION DAY".

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