Something about the sound of thousands of little frigid daggers raining against my window sets the mood for days like today.
The sound isn't as depressing as the feeling of the same minute cutlery lashing against my nylon second-skin, and it is cool after several hours of sleet to look out and see cars which look like Ice Man took a piss on them.
I finished class early, barreled least, barreled cautiously across a solid sheet of ice...and now I find myself tired, yet restless. Energetic, yet unfocused. Plenty of energy, nowhere to go...and no clue what to do with myself.
Yes I have a wife. Yes she has ideas about what to do with all the free time.
But she's on her period, so most of MY ideas for what to do with the time go out the window once cuddling becomes foreplay...and foreplay inevitably becomes teasing once she re-realizes that the store is closed for monthly renovations.
I'd read more of Betrayed, House of Night book #2, but I'm finding the inevitable problem of being a guy reading a book series written by and mostly populated by women.
I haven't had this problem with Cast's previous novels, because the antagonists have always been male, or female but overtly villainous.
When the antagonist is one of the above, the villainy is outright, direct, sometimes brutal...but there's no question who the antagonist is, and generally no question regarding their agenda.
Nuada wanted to rape every human female which came to hand, and kill and eat every human male.
Rhiannon wanted to reign supreme as a spoiled brat, bedding every man available, and doing whatever she damned well pleased to get her way, including killing, drinking blood, stabbing a pregnant woman in the womb....whatever.
Neferet drives me insane as a villainess, which I know P.C. is in the process of revealing her to be, because she's a woman.
Subtlety is the name of the game.
Keeping her cruelty and hatred and rage the shadows as Zoey continues to treat her as a trusted mentor and surrogate mother.
I just want to get to the unveiling already! Enough of this sneaking around B.S.!
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